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Violent Crimes

Domestic violence charges filed against Oklahoma City man

By April 23, 2015April 26th, 2024No Comments

A night of drinking for an Oklahoma City man allegedly turned violent. A neighbor standing outside called police, claiming she witnessed the man hitting some children. Now, the man is facing domestic violence charges in connection with the alleged incident.

When police arrived at the scene, the alleged victim — a woman who is said to live in the home with the accused man — told them that he was drinking that night. She says she put him to bed and took her children to a neighbor’s house. When the man awoke, he went to the neighbor’s house to bring them home.

On the way home, the man is accused of striking the children numerous times with a flashlight. Once at home, he supposedly chased them around the house and screamed at them. The mother then dialed 911. She claims the man grabbed the phone out of her hand and destroyed it before he threw her on the bed and began choking her. It is claimed that one of the kids got onto his back in order to stop him.

At last report, the man was booked into the Oklahoma County Jail on domestic violence charges relating to the alleged assaults on the children and the mother, among other offenses. The charges he faces carry serious penalties, including incarceration, fines and court costs. He would undoubtedly benefit from engaging criminal defense counsel as soon as possible in order to begin reviewing any evidence, the statement of the witness and the statements taken from the mother and children. Once all of the information has been obtained and scrutinized, his counsel can discuss his options regarding how best to proceed with him.

Source:, “Multiple abuse charges filed against Oklahoma City man“, Jonathan Greco, April 10, 2015