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Oklahoma Justice Society

As an attorney, does it concern you that many of the criminal statutes seem skewed toward law enforcement and prosecution?

There is a reason for that.

Oklahoma Justice Society

As an attorney, does it concern you that many of the criminal statutes seem skewed toward law enforcement and prosecution?

There is a reason for that.

Oklahoma Justice Society

Jacqui Ford Law Criminal Defense Lawyer Oklahoma City

As an attorney, does it concern you that many of the criminal statutes seem skewed toward law enforcement and prosecution?

There is a reason for that.

The District Attorneys’ Council and the District Attorneys Association have nine lobbyists working at the state Capitol every year pushing for changes that benefit law enforcement and prosecution, but are detrimental to defendants and your clients. Law enforcement has its own nine lobbyists working on its behalf. Agencies represented include the Oklahoma Highway Patrol, Oklahoma and Tulsa County Sheriff’s’ Associations, the Oklahoma Police Chiefs Association, the FOP and the Bureau of Narcotics and Dangerous Drugs. That’s 18 lobbyists working for the interests of law enforcement.
There are at least nine different groups supporting tougher crime measures at the Oklahoma State Capitol.
For the 2015-2016 legislative sessions, there will be more than 2,400 bills and resolutions introduced, and more than 500 of these will be in areas of the law that could directly impact your clients.

How many lobbyists are representing an agenda that subscribes to the constitutional rights of “a fair trial” and “innocent till proven guilty”? Zero.

Who’s been regularly tracking legislation to identify new laws and revisions to existing laws to make sure they don’t negatively impact your clients? No one.

Until now.

The Oklahoma Justice Society was formed to provide a legislative advocacy group that defends the rights found in the U.S. Constitution as it relates to arrest, trial and conviction of an individual.

  • OJS has retained the services of a prominent lobbying firm establishing the first legislative presence, defending the interests of the accused and the attorneys that represent them.
  • OJS will strive to influence pending legislation by advocating for the interests of our clients. Our overarching goal is to ensure any new laws or changes to existing laws provide fairness and equity.
  • OJS will initiate a social media campaign to keep our peers and the public informed on important matters that can impact their daily lives.
  • OJS will work to insure that your voice is not only heard, but that your concerns are also understood.



Give a Voice to Your Clients


Give a Voice to Lawyers


Protect Citizens’ Right to Fair Trial


Level the Playing Field with the Government


Advocate For Sensible Justice Reform


Support and Ensure a Fair Impartial Judiciary


Educate the Legislature


Educate the Public


Affect Positive Legislative Change


Bring Justice to Oklahoma Citizens


OJS is proudly founded by lawyers and for lawyers:

Jacquelyn L. Ford
Michael Haggerty
Vice President
John Hunsucker
Jack Dempsey Pointer
Bruce Edge
Board Member