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Child sexual abuse and lewd acts against children are serious crimes with severe consequences in Oklahoma. Understanding the laws and consequences is crucial for building a strong defense against charges of the accused.

At Jacqui Ford Law, we have a dedicated team, including a seasoned sex crime lawyer, Jacqui Ford, who is committed to your defense. With years of experience, our firm provides legal representation and guidance through these complex cases, aiming at protecting your rights and your future.

Here’s a comprehensive guide to child sexual abuse and lewd acts laws in Oklahoma.

What Constitutes Child Sexual Abuse and Lewd Acts in Oklahoma?

Oklahoma’s laws on child abuse cover a range of behaviors, from physical abuse to sexual exploitation, providing prosecutors considerable latitude in charging and prosecuting these cases. 

Child Abuse in Oklahoma

Under Oklahoma law (Okla. Stat. 21 § 843.1), it is illegal for a caretaker or any person to abuse, neglect, sexually abuse, or exploit a child. This includes:

  • Physical, mental, sexual, and emotional abuse.
  • Enabling abuse in any form.

Defined by Oklahoma law, enabling child abuse involves causing, procuring, or permitting any willful or malicious act or threat against a child, including failing to protect a child from harm. Both direct abusers and enablers are subject to severe legal consequences.

Lewd Acts with a Minor in Oklahoma

Oklahoma statute (21 O.S. § 1123) makes it a felony to engage in or propose any lewd or indecent acts with a minor under the age of 16. Prohibited actions include:

This statute not only covers physical acts but also prohibits:

  • Soliciting a minor under 16 for sexual activity.
  • Observing a minor in a lewd manner.
  • Touching or feeling a minor’s body in a lewd manner.
  • Enticing a minor to a secluded location for illegal sexual acts.
  • Inappropriate actions in the presence of a minor for sexual gratification.
  • Exposing a minor to pornography or sexual acts.
  • Coercing a minor into touching themselves or another person sexually.

No physical contact is necessary for a conviction under these laws; the sexual nature of the exchange alone can lead to severe penalties.

Oklahoma Laws and Penalties for Child Sexual Abuse and Lewd Acts

Oklahoma has strict laws and severe penalties to address felonies such as child sexual abuse and lewd acts, aiming to protect minors. These laws cover various inappropriate behaviors, including sexual exploitation and molestation of a minor. 

Offenders face harsh penalties like long prison terms, mandatory sex offender registration, and significant fines. The state’s goal is to keep children safe and ensure justice for victims.

Penalties for Child Sexual Abuse

Under Okla. Stat. 21 § 843.5, child sexual abuse is considered a felony, punishable with the following penalties:

  • Prison Sentences: These range from 5 years to life in prison, based on the severity of the abuse. For cases involving children under 12, the minimum sentence starts at 25 years.
  • Sex Offender Registration: Conviction leads to mandatory registration as a sex offender, which has long-term social and legal implications.
  • Fines and Restitution: Fines can go up to $5,000, with possible additional restitution to the victim to cover damages resulting from the abuse.

Penalties for Lewd Acts

In Oklahoma, the crime is categorized as a felony, highlighting its severity. The law specifically targets those who knowingly and intentionally commit such acts, ensuring that those who pose a risk to children face stringent consequences.

The penalties for these offenses are severe to reflect the seriousness of the crime and to deter potential offenders:

  • Prison Sentences: The length of imprisonment varies based on the specifics of the act and the age of the child involved. Offenders can face:
    • A minimum of 3 years to a maximum of 20 years for general offenses.
    • If the victim is under the age of 12, the penalty increases dramatically, with prison terms ranging from 25 years to life.
    • A second offense involving sexual abuse of a child is punishable by life imprisonment without the possibility of parole.
  • Sex Offender Registration: Conviction requires mandatory registration as a sex offender, impacting the offender’s public and private life significantly.
  • Fines and Probation: Offenders may also be subjected to fines and probation, which serve as additional punitive and rehabilitative measures.

By imposing strict penalties and clear definitions of lewd acts involving minors, Oklahoma law aims to protect the most vulnerable members of society from exploitation and harm.

Child Sexual Abuse and Lewd Acts Offense Classification and Registration in Oklahoma

Sexual abuse and lewd acts involving children under 16 are classified as Level 3 sex offenses, the most serious category under Oklahoma’s sex offender risk-level assessment. Offenders convicted of Level 3 offenses must:

  • Register for Life: They are required to register as sex offenders in Oklahoma for their entire lives.
  • Regular Check-ins: These offenders must check in with local law enforcement every three months.
  • Lifelong Restrictions: They face ongoing restrictions that can affect where they live, work, and their access to recreational activities.

This system is designed to monitor and manage the risk posed by serious offenders effectively, helping to protect the community, especially children, from potential harm.

Contact Our Sex Crime Defense Lawyer at Jacqui Ford Law Today!

At Jacqui Ford Law, we recognize the profound impact a sex crime charge can have on your life. With a decade of experience defending clients in situations similar to yours, we are dedicated to providing trusted legal services. If you believe you have been falsely accused of abuse in Oklahoma, our team is committed to achieving the best possible outcome for your case.

Contact us today at 405-604-3200 to schedule a free, confidential initial consultation. Let’s start building your defense; we’ll be with you every step of the way.