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Woman charged with misdemeanor illegal dissection of a corpse

By May 7, 2015May 16th, 2024No Comments

It is not uncommon for an individual to harbor some jealousy and/or resentment toward someone with which his or her partner used to be involved. However, it is rumored that one Oklahoma woman’s feelings toward her boyfriend’s ex-girlfriend were such that she defiled the woman’s body at a funeral home. She now faces a misdemeanor charge for illegal dissection of a corpse.

The funeral director called police after the deceased woman’s family complained that her body was vandalized. Upon inspection, it appeared that her hair was cut and her makeup was smeared. Some of her hair was reportedly found on the floor near her casket.

Family members claim to have seen the Oklahoma woman near the casket. They go on to say that it appeared that her hands were in the casket, and she quickly removed them as they approached. When officers went to the woman’s home, they claim they found a knife with hair on it consistent with that of the decedent, among other things. Police took the woman into custody, and at least report, she was still being held on a $20,000 bond.

Prosecutors will be responsible for proving beyond a reasonable doubt that the woman committed the misdemeanor crime with which she is charged. Before the matter goes to court, her criminal defense team will have the opportunity to scrutinize all of the evidence and review the statements of the alleged witnesses. If any reasonable doubt is raised regarding her guilt, or if her rights were somehow violated during the investigation or her contact with police, the charges may not stand.

Source:, “Tulsa woman jailed on report of vandalizing corpse“, Samantha Vicent, May 4, 2015