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Violent Crimes

Plan to murder pregnant girlfriend ends in 20 years behind bars

By July 23, 2015May 16th, 2024No Comments

Not everyone is happy to hear that a girlfriend or wife is pregnant. However, few of those people resort to planning to murder her and the unborn child. One Oklahoma man’s plot to hire a co-worker to kill his former girlfriend and her unborn child has landed him in prison for 20 years.

The 31-year-old man said that depression led him to make a choice that he now regrets. He was reportedly crying as he apologized to the woman who later discovered that he was not even the child’s father. However, at the time she found out she was pregnant, she believed he was, and when she told him that she was pregnant, the two agreed that she would get an abortion. However, she later changed her mind.

This led the Oklahoma man to devise a plot to kill her with ricin, a toxin that is highly dangerous and lethal. He also expressed his regret to two police officers and their families who were exposed to the poison. He hid it in the back of the police car he was in at the time of his arrest, which occurred because his co-worker contacted the FBI regarding his plans.

When the charge of solicitation of murder was first filed, the man faced the possibility of spending the rest of his life in prison. However, when he recently pleaded guilty to the charge, the court imposed a sentence of 20 years. The prosecution had requested his sentence to be 30 years, but the court did not agree. Being incarcerated for 20 years may not seem like a victory, but when compared to spending life in prison, it may well be considered a favorable outcome.

Source:, “Oklahoma man sentenced to 20 years in murder-for-hire plot”, Tim Talley, July 16, 2015